Tag: chilli

Thai Chicken with Cashew Nuts

Thai Chicken with Cashew Nuts


 Thai Chicken with Cashew Nuts – hot, quick and really tasty and perfect for a midweek meal. I first had this dish in a restaurant in Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand that a Thai friend introduced us to. The menu was in Thai, the servers spoke very little English and […]

Korean Fried Chicken

Korean Fried Chicken (Dakgangjeong, 닭강정)


 Korean Fried Chicken (Dakgangjeong, 닭강정) In the UK we consider KFC to be of the colonel variety, whereas in Korea KFC stands for Korean Fried Chicken – the crispiest ever popcorn chicken tossed in an Korean sweet, chilli, sticky sauce. It also differs from American fried chicken quite considerably. The […]